
Let yourself be healed with Reiki energy. Reiki is a gentle yet powerful healing technique that uses energy to promote relaxation, reduce stress and support the body's natural ability to heal itself.

It can be done in person as well as distant Reiki.

During a Reiki session with me, you can expect a gentle and non-invasive healing practice that aims to balance and restore the flow of energy throughout your body. I will work to clear any blockages or imbalances in your energy field, which may result in a greater sense of relaxation, mental clarity, emotional well-being, or relief from physical pain or discomfort.

Our session will last about an hour, during which time you will remain fully clothed and comfortably lying down.

  • "I have always been a little skeptical about Reiki, but WOW, it was an absolutely mind-blowing experience – both emotionally and physically. Afterwards, I felt like I could let go of a lot of tension."


  • "I had been curious about trying Reiki healing for a while and met Camilla through a Reiki yoga class. I didn´t know what exactly to expect, but I felt truly cared for and Camilla has got magical hands! I´m always in a “go-getter” mode and the level of deep, deep relaxation that Camilla gave me through the Reiki healing was everything I hoped for and more. Magic experience!"
